New Life Outreach of Dallas, Inc.

Our Vision

Can two walk together without agreeing where to go?
Amos 3:3

Even with a clear vision, a fellowship of people will lose sight of their goals if they do not agree on how to accomplish them. The writer of Proverbs makes it clear when he states that, “Where there is no vision, people perish.” The Hebrew word used for “perish” means chaos and disorder. There must first be a clear and accomplishable set of objectives and/or goals, but it takes a group of people who want to work together to achieve them. With this in mind, the following is the 2021 Vision Statement of New Life Outreach of Dallas, Incorporated.

The Primary Objective

Our primary objective is to reach souls for the Lord.

· Everything listed below, and anything added in the future, must adhere to the Primary Objective.

The Further Objectives

· To continue to reach out to new persons who would join New Life Outreach of Dallas, Inc. as full tithing members.

· To continue the work and efforts of New Life Christian Counseling Ministry.

· To establish a ministry that will function primarily through the Internet (i.e. New Life Online Ministry)

· To establish New Life New Testament Church to provide members of the above ministry to fellowship together.

· To establish a functioning ministry to provide discipleship services to those individuals who desire it (i. e. New Life Discipleship Ministry).

·       To continue a healthy, functioning, preaching and teaching and training ministry – New Life Equipping The Saints Ministry